Universal access is a core value of Germanna

We recognize our responsibility to create, maintain, and nurture an academic and social environment that respects all people and ideas. We are committed to being a community that respects all cultures, experiences, and abilities and that prepares individuals to thrive in a global society.

Clubs & Organizations

Connect with other students through a number of existing student organizations or even start your own. Learn more about our Clubs & Organizations.

Military & Veteran Services

We are proud to serve active-duty service members, veterans, and their families. Germanna is a military friendly college. Learn more about Military & Veteran Services.

Germanna Cares

Germanna Cares provides emergency assistance, food pantry access, and referrals to community resources. Learn more about Germanna Cares.

Great Expectations

Supports foster youth in high school completion, access to a community college education and successful transition to living independently. Learn more about Great Expectations.

Accessibility Resources

Ensuring equal access to all aspects of the college experience for students with barriers. Learn more about our Accessibility Resources.

A message from Dr. Ray-Patterson

At Germanna, student success is predicated on opportunities for all students and an institutional culture that values the power our differences lend us. Ours is a community that cherishes these differences and celebrates the ties that bind.

Germanna is charged with upholding the commitments established in our Strategic Plan. Stakeholders throughout the College worked collaboratively to decide upon six goals as part of the College’s strategic planning process. The 2018–2024 plan aligns with the College mission and highlights current, institution-wide priorities. Our plan is bold and ambitious, but we know that true change is more than a plan, it is an authentic embodiment of the important ideals of justice, dignity, and respect.

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Our plan is bold and ambitious, but we know that true change is more than a plan.
Dr. Tiffany Ray-Patterson
Vice President of Student Affairs

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