Improve your English language skills

In Germanna's English Language Learner classes and services, we warmly welcome students of all backgrounds, regardless of their immigration status. Our goal is to provide a variety of experiential learning opportunities to build and improve English reading, writing, and speaking skills.

Get started at Germanna in one easy step

Degree Seekers

  • Complete our free college application in about 15 minutes.

Apply to Germanna

  • After you apply, an admissions specialist will reach out to you using the email you provided on your application to help you with your next steps. 
  • The information we collect is only used to enroll you at Germanna and stays private, always.

Career Seekers

  • Learn a skill. Land a job. Start today. Create your student profile to get started.

Create Student Profile

  • Hands-on. Career-focused. Low-cost.  At Germanna, learning looks different.

Explore Career Programs

Financial Aid Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do I need a Social Security Number (SSN)?
Do I need my parents Social Security Number (SSN)?
What is an FSA ID?
How can I determine if I am a dependent or independent student?  
Are there other types of tuition assistance?
What type of payment options are available to pay for my classes?

Student Resources

International Students Information

If you are a F-1 Visa International Student we are here to help you every step of the way. Visit our International Student Admissions page to learn about admission requirements and all the resources available to you. 

International students

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