Who We Are

Institutional Effectiveness (IE) is at the heart of Germanna's commitment to quality and integrity.

Our IE processes, in conjunction with Strategic Planning, determine and document how well we're fulfilling our purpose and help to continuously enhance our quality and advance our goals.

Get Involved

Everyone at Germanna plays a vital role in institutional effectiveness. Employees can assess programs and services by serving on an IE team; implementing IE team recommendations; participating in individual, unit, strategic, and budget planning; and identifying target areas for improvement.

All Germanna Report



+11.1% (Five-year change)



-3.9% (Five-year change)

Part-Time Enrollments


+4.4% (Change from previous year)

Average Age


No change from previous year

Retention Rates


Fall 2022 to Spring 2023
+1.7% (Change from previous year)

Female Graduates


No change from previous year

Read the Full Report

Download the All Germanna Report for a deep dive into data metrics across Germanna Community College.

Departmental reports are available through Germanna Central (login required).

Student Achievement Indicators

Our goal is to be above the VCCS average for each of the academic success indicators below.

How are these rates measured?

Curriculum Completion


Fall 2019
5.55% above VCCS Average (35.11%)

Fall-to-Fall Retention


Fall 2021 to Fall 2022
0.81% below VCCS Average (65.38%)

First-Year Progression


Fall 2022
5.20% above VCCS average (48.96%)

Success Rates in College Math


Fall 2022
4.90% above VCCS average (46.39%)

Success Rates in College English


Fall 2022
5.92% above VCCS average (59.43%)

Germanna Student Achievement Indicators Compared to Other VCCS Schools

Source: SAS datasets from VCCS and PS_STDNT_ENRL table in SIS

Conducting research at Germanna?

Our Institutional Review Board is responsible for handling requests for research involving human subjects to ensure this research is conducted ethically, with the well-being and rights of the participants as the top priority.

Read our full policy to connect with us and request permission to conduct research.

Learn more

In evaluating these requests, the board will examine:

  • Whether research poses a potential danger to Germanna’s reputation or relationships
  • Whether research is appropriately constructed to justify requesting the time of students or faculty and staff
  • Whether research could possibly advance the interests of Germanna Community College

Request Data

Faculty & staff can request data from the Department of Institutional Effectiveness via Germanna Central (login required).

Connect with us

Our Commitment to Inclusion

Germanna repudiates racism and is committed to challenging the inequitable treatment of oppressed and marginalized groups. We are an institution where people of all identities, backgrounds, and perspectives feel welcome, safe, and included. We will transform learning in order to defeat hatred and ignorance with new, equitable narratives reflecting diverse histories and traditions.

Germanna will be at the forefront of Virginia’s reckoning with its history of slavery, the Civil War, segregation, and racial oppression. Through outreach, research, and healing dialogue, we will work to honestly assess and acknowledge the lived experiences of those disregarded or silenced throughout the Nation’s past and present.

Review our Diversity Dashboard to learn how we're monitoring important metrics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion at Germanna.

Diversity Snapshot

Campus Climate

"At this institution, diversity in all of its forms is valued."


Positive responses (2022)


Student Satisfaction

"Faculty are fair and unbiased in their treatment of individual students."


Positive responses (2022)

Full-time Faculty & Staff Retention

People of Color


2021 Data

State Employment Data

Planning for your career? Explore the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website to see Germanna student wage outcomes, debt profiles, and more.

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